Thank you for registering your dog(s)

What happens next?

We’ll get in touch once we’ve prepared your acoustic recorder and it’s ready to ship to you.

We plan to hand make (assemble) one large batch of recorders based on demand / participants, so it may take several weeks to prepare. Once they’re ready to ship we’ll email you with more information about the app, instructions showing you how to use it and more information about the types of sounds we’d like you and your dog(s) to capture.

Feel free to get in touch ( if you have any questions. In the meantime we’ll look forward to working with you and your dogs in the near future on this exciting project to help monitor the behaviour of African Wild Dogs in Botswana.

Thank You.


Project Contacts


University of Washington

Briana Abrahms |


University of Washington

Kasim Rafiq  |

Technical Support

We’re all in this together

Cyber Essentials Certified

Arribada United Kingdom

To talk to our team in the UK / Europe (GMT), discuss volunteering with us, or for general conservation technology enquiries, feel free to mail us at or join our Slack community channel.

Arribada USA

To talk to our team in the USA (EST), or for general conservation technology enquiries within the United States, feel free to mail us at or join our Slack community channel.

Arribada Initiative C.I.C is a registered community interest company in the United Kingdom | 11412756