Submitting your Carnivore Bytes recordings
Make sure you’ve registered your recorder and set the time & date
Before getting started, make sure you’ve configured your recorder and set the date and time by playing the special acoustic chime.
You only need to configure the recorder once when you receive it, after that you don’t need to set the time again and can just turn on your recorder whenever you want to record an event.

Start recording sounds
Once you’ve attached the recorder to your dog’s collar, push the switch in on the side where you see the circle icon. This will turn it on.
The recorder will flash red, letting you know that it’s on and active.
Take a look at the list of sounds we’re hoping to record below and turn the recorder on whenever you think you can capture any. Once done, turn the record off and submit the date and time of the recording using the audio submission form.
Try to record any of the following sounds / events
5 to 10 minuite recordings during and after exercise in the park would be ideal.
5 to 10 minuite recordings during and after exercise in the park would be ideal.
Please note the type of food (brand, wet, dry etc) that is being eaten during the recording.
We are particularly interested in recordings of dry food that has a crunch, or eating any meat.
Recording the sounds of your dog chewing bones, sticks or any natural material would be ideal.
Drinking from a bowl is fine to record, although please let us know in the comments when you submit the clip if the bowl is plastic or metal.
Biting sticks, toys, or any material would be useful. Please note in the comments when submitting your clip what the type of material being chewed was.
We are hoping to record any murmurs, barks or noises during sleeping to see if we can detect similar sleeping events in the wild (if they are at all similar, this is very much experimentational).
Please note the type of material that your dog was digging in, i.e sand, soil, pebbles etc
5 to 10 minute clips of your dog walking at a steady speed would be very useful. Try to record away from traffic or any loud noises.
5 to 10 minute clips of your dog running would be very useful. Try to record away from traffic or any loud noises.
Submit your audio clips using our submission form
Everytime you record an event (say a 10 min walk), quickly fill out our audio submission form. It should only take 30 seconds to do. The form collects the time and date of your recording and lets you add comments describing what it was you were recording.
Project Contacts
University of Washington
Briana Abrahms |
University of Washington
Kasim Rafiq |
Technical Support